Ice Breaker  

Monday, 23rd September 

We look forward to welcoming you to our Ice Breaker at 7 pm on Monday evening at the conference venue. The cost is included in conference registration fee, and no extra registration is required. 

ÖMG Felix Machatschki award (Dienstag, 24. September)

Tuesday, 24th September 

Felix Machatschki award presentation by the ÖMG at 17:30.

Conference Dinner 

Tuesday, 24th September 

The conference dinner will take place at 7.00 pm at the conference venue on Tuesday evening. The cost (including drinks) is €45,00. Please register with the conference registration. 

Public Evening lecture 

Wednesday, 25th September 

The large cave systems of the Eastern Alps – Archives of landscape evolution (in German) 

By Lukas Plan (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien) 

The karst plateaus of the Eastern Alps contain about 15,000 caves, some of which are over 100 km long and/or 1 km deep. The talk will give an overview of these caves and what they tell us about the post Miocene landscape evolution.  

The lecture starts at 7 p.m. (at the Audimax of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Univ. of Salzburg).